Sunday, February 5, 2012

Reading & Writing is as Easy as 123...

          When I think about reading as a child and reading now my views on literacy have definitely changed. I enjoyed reading as a child; constantly going to the library and participating in reading challenges. However, this has changed toward my last year of college. I dislike reading and if I had a choice reading would be the last thing on my list of things that I would want to do. I believe this is due to that fact that reading as a child was fun, it was a new experience,and adventure. Reading now seems somewhat of a chore, a responsibility,a requirement and not as entertaining as when I was a child. To fix this mind frame teachers have to instill reading as an easy task that can be enjoyable to do for the rest of a child's life. Like the teachers displayed in the article, reading is easier than children know. Children are reading without even knowing it and teachers should show them that this is a vital tool they will use throughout their lives. Literacy should be interesting and this may be shown through teachers trying out new strategies and techniques that engage the students. Every strategy may not work, every activity may not be helpful, but teachers have to make it their priority to at least experiment. Look into different books, different ways to tie reading to students everyday lives, and ensure that literacy is not a chore but a privilege that every child should take advantage of.

Questions to Consider?
1. What has changed in literacy from when you were a child to now as an adult?
2. Do you reading is a simple (1..2..3..) as counting numbers?


  1. I like the idea of multiple strategies!
    1. I used to really enjoy reading for myself. Now it is reading books for my children. I can get pretty into them lol!

    2. I am a MATH person and not much on literature or science. I think math is much easier then reading!!! ( Not as simple as 123)

  2. I know exactly what you mean about how reading has changed over time. The reading load in college can definitely be taxing at times. I've even noticed that sometimes I might be interesting in reading something before it becomes required, but the minute it is something I have to do I lose interest considerably. Lately, I've been trying to make time to read things I want to read in addition to the assignments in my classes and that seems to help a little.

  3. I used to love reading when I was a child, but now that I am in college, all I do is read academic articles (although many of them are interesting), it's a "pleasure read." This has definitely made me not like reading as much, but it also has improved my reading skills. This will help me once I am out of school and find time for pleasure reading again. Maybe the fact that I am a more fluent reader will allow me to enjoy reading again.
