Reading Comprehension is a very important part of reading. When students read it is important to pay attention to their fluency and other aspects of reading, but it is important to notice if they know and understand what it is that they are actually reading. One thing that stood out to me in the article were that people do not focus on reading comprehension strategies, however, these strategies are very crucial. If we create and implement different comprehension strategies while reading students understanding of the text would increase. I thought it was really creative that Mrs. Hope allowed students in her classroom to make C's, V's, or squiggly lines to signify connections, visuals or questions. By implementing these strategies within her classroom her students will be better prepared for their future endeavors in reading.
I really loved how Mrs. Hope presented comprehension skills to her kindergarten students. The different handshapes was such a great idea to get the students engaged and interacting in classroom discussion.
ReplyDeleteI agree. I think it is really important for students to understand that comprehension is an interactive experience rather than something that merely just happens to them when they read.